SSL Buddy will walk you, step by step, through the process of securing your web sites and applications. Whether your server is Indy/IntraWeb based or if it is one of the old standards like IIS or Apache, SSL Buddy's wizard interface will help you with the most common SSL tasks.
Key Features:
Generate Certificate Requests
- SSL Buddy asks you simple, plain text questions to assist you in generating a Certificate Request. Certificate Requests are required to purchase a certificate from a certificate authority such as Verisign. Simple instructions and recommendations help you each step of the way.
Generate Self-Signed Certificates
- SSL Buddy can generate self-signed certificates suitable for testing secure web servers.
Prepare Indy/IntraWeb Certificates
- If you use Indy or IntraWeb based web servers, additional work must be performed on an SSL certificate before it can be used. This wizard will generate the required cert.pem and key.pem files in the format understood by the server.
Extract a Root Certificate
- SSL Buddy will walk you through extracting a root certificate for installation into your web server.
Install Certificates
- SSL Buddy will walk you through the installation of your certificate into nearly any web server. Instructions are supplied for 27 of the most common web servers including IIS and Apache.
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